Regional Soil Health Communities (RSHC)
Regional Soil Health Communities (RSHC) are online communities on LinkedIn thriving on a wealth of shared knowledge. With a multi-actor approach, RSHCs include actors from territorial dialogues, project partners, regional associations, and decision-makers to foster knowledge transfer. Community members can share information, for instance about how to benefit from existing EU financial instruments for sustainable soil management. Soil Stewards facilitate conversations and knowledge exchange in RSHCs.
HuMUS Friends South Tyrol is a LinkedIn group that was founded as part of the EU project HuMUS (Healthy Municipal Soils). The group is a platform for various stakeholders in the region of South Tyrol who are interested in an exchange of knowledge and a discussion about soil health needs and requirements. The aim is to provide a space for discussion and the exchange of success stories, solutions, and suggestions on soil health in the region of South Tyrol.
Friends of HuMUS – North Macedonia/ Western Balkans is a LinkedIn group that was founded as part of the EU project ‘Healthy Municipal Soils’. Exchange of knowledge, dialogue with municipalities and regions, and a common understanding of soil health are important goals of our project. The initiator of the group is SWG RRD. The group offers a platform for various interest groups in the North Macedonia/ Western Balkans region who are interested in exchanging knowledge and discussing needs and requirements for soil health. The aim is to provide a space for discussions and the exchange of success stories, solutions, and suggestions on soil health in the North Macedonia/ Western Balkans region. We would like to particularly focus on the topic of What are the consequences of soil degradation in North Macedonia/ Western Balkans; How to improve the health of urban soils; How can the fertile soils be preserved in North Macedonia/ Western Balkans? How can we boost soil depollution. We would like to discuss this and much more together with you, representatives from society, business, politics, and science for our region. We will always include concrete case studies from the North Macedonia/ Western Balkans region. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to share your ideas, projects, or observations in a post. We invite you to actively participate in the discussion and get involved. At the end of 2023, we will publish an open call where we will fund 20 soil health pilot projects across Europe. More information will follow shortly.
HuMUS Freunde Stuttgart ist eine LinkedIn Gruppe, die im Rahmen des EU- Projekts HuMUS – „Gesunde kommunale Böden“ gegründet wurde. Initiator der Gruppe sind Mitglieder des Ernährungsrats StadtRegion Stuttgart und der Geschäftsstelle Bioökonomie Hohenheim. Beide sind Partner des HuMUS-Projekts. Die Gruppe ist eine Plattform für verschiedene Interessengruppen in der Region Stuttgart, die an einem Wissensaustausch und einer Diskussion über Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen an die Bodengesundheit – speziell im Ballungsraum Stuttgart – interessiert sind. Ziel ist es, einen Raum für Diskussionen und den Austausch von Erfolgsgeschichten, Lösungen und Vorschlägen zur Bodengesundheit in der Region Stuttgart zu bieten.
Grupo enmarcado en el proyecto Europeo Humus, la iniciativa de este LinkedIn grupo es de la Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía, entidad socia del proyecto Humus. El objetivo de este grupo es ofrecer un espacio de diálogo e intercambio de conocimiento sobre cómo mejorar la salud de nuestros suelos, poniendo especial atención en los territorios donde desarrollaremos experiencias piloto, por ejemplo, las zonas de los Altiplanos granadinos y almerienses y Sierra Nevada, entre otros. Pretendemos que el perfil de las personas que forman parte de este grupo sea amplio y diverso, es decir, que desde el personal académico e investigador, a autoridades locales y políticas, personal técnico de la administración local y regional, a las personas productoras, todas ellas puedan encontrar por un lado, un espacio de diálogo y por otro referencias a experiencias y buenas prácticas que hayan encontrado soluciones y mejorados sus suelos de manera participativa y multidisciplinar. Proyecto financiado por la Unión Europea. No obstante, los puntos de vista y opiniones expresados son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea ni los de la Agencia Ejecutiva Europea de Investigación (REA). Ni la Unión Europea ni la autoridad que concede la subvención pueden ser consideradas responsables de las mismas.
HuMUS France est un LinkedIn groupe fondé dans le cadre du projet européen HuMUS – “Healthy municipal soils” (sols municipaux sains). Les initiateurs du groupe sont VEGEPOLYS VALLEY et la Chambre d’agriculture des Pays de la Loire. Tous les deux sont partenaires du projet HuMUS. Le groupe est une plateforme pour les différents acteurs de la région Pays de la Loire et plus encore, qui sont intéressés par un échange de connaissances et une discussion sur les besoins et les exigences en matière de santé des sols. L’objectif est de fournir un espace de discussion et d’échange d’expériences réussies, de solutions et de suggestions sur la santé des sols.
HuMUS Extremadura es un grupo creado en el marco del Proyecto europeo “HuMUS” cuyo objetivo principal es involucrar y movilizar a municipios y regiones para proteger y restaurar la salud del suelo. El enfoque participativo del Proyecto HuMUS incluye una amplia gama de stakeholders regionales: ciudadanos, agricultores, propietarios y gestores de tierras, consumidores, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, instituciones de investigación, empresas y autoridades públicas a nivel regional y nacional. El objetivo de este grupo “HuMUS EXTREMADURA”, ubicado en el entorno de las Plataformas Colaborativas RIS3 Extremadura 2027, será crear un espacio para debatir, para compartir desafíos, soluciones y sugerencias y, sobre todo, para crear conciencia de Comunidad en torno a la salud del suelo en la región.
HuMUS Стара планина е активна регионална общност, ангажирана с опазване и възстановяване здравето на почвата. Дискусиите в нея са отворени за регионални и местни политици, заинтересовани страни и граждани. Споделянето на добри практики и знания е от полза за всички членове, а повишената информираност за здравето на почвата дава възможност на общността сама да създаде решения за устойчиво управление на почвите на местно ниво.
HuMUS Podravje je skupina, ustvarjena v okviru evropskega projekta “HuMUS” o stanju prsti v regiji. Cilji našega projekta so izmenjava znanja, dobrih praks in vzpostavljanje dialoga z občinami in drugimi zainteresiranimi deležniki. Ustanovitelj skupine je Regionalna razvojna agencija za Podravje-Maribor. Skupina zagotavlja platformo za različne deležnike v regiji, ki jih zanima izmenjava znanja in razprava o zdravju prsti,. Naš cilj je zagotoviti prostor za razpravo in izmenjavo uspešnih zgodb, rešitev in predlogov, kako izboljšati kvaliteto prsti v urbanih in podeželskih območjih Podravske regij, kako ohraniti rodovitna tla, kako ustvariti več zelenih oaz za rekreacijo in mestne vrtove? O tem bi želeli razpravljati skupaj z vami, predstavniki družbe, gospodarstva, politike in znanosti v naši regiji.
La Comunità regionale per la salute del suolo è realizzata nell’ambito del progetto HuMUS “Healthy Municipal Soils”, appartenente alla Missione Suolo dell’UE e coordinato da ANCI Toscana. L’obiettivo principale di HuMUS è coinvolgere comuni e regioni per proteggere e ripristinare la salute dei suoli europei e in questo gruppo vorremmo discutere con voi su come promuovere la salute del suolo a livello locale. Saranno coinvolti nel gruppo esperti appartenenti alle pubbliche amministrazioni, al mondo della ricerca, ma anche associazioni e imprese per dialogare insieme sulla salute del suolo, condividendo conoscenze, esperienze e opportunità. Potete invitare a far parte del presente gruppo i vostri contatti potenzialmente interessati a partecipare alla discussione, o che sono già coinvolti in azioni inerenti alla salute del suolo a livello locale.
Lieti di parlare di salute del suolo insieme a voi!
HuMUS Germany (NRW) – “HumusClubs West/Nordwest Austausch”
The RSHC for Northrhine-Westphalia (NRW) is comprised from two Whatsapp groups, consisting of farmers, advisors, members of NGOs, and a soil researcher. To create a local network, the participants were split up in two geographically more coherent groups. The groups share ideas and news about the build-up of organic matter in agricultural soils on a practitioner’s level. Within HuMUS, we will add further aspects of soil health, such as soil biology, to the discussion, which will also prepare our case study about soil biology indicators in NRW. The discussions in the groups currently consist of exchanging best farming practices for conservation tillage and other soil-health-related topics.
The Varaita Valley Agroecological Living Lab is a Whatsapp group that began from the Horizon 2020 Project AE4EU. The living lab will continue to be based on agroecological but will now include a deeper conversation about soil health. It consists of farmers, teachers, members of NGOs, and soil researchers, but we are looking to add advisors and policymakers in this future transformation. There are 71 members to date in the group. The WhatsApp group is very active in discussions, sharing information on events and especially coordinating in-person meetings where deeper discussions are held. The topics discussed are based on different activities that the living lab partakes together, such as farmers’ markets, as well as broader news.
The RSHC for Friesland in the Netherlands is a Whatsapp group, consisting of farmers, advisors, teachers, members of NGOs, and soil researchers. In total 208 participants are present in this group. The WhatsApp group is a very active group where articles, and news items are shared and discussions are held. The topics discussed in this Whatsapp group are about soil quality, but also a bit broader, on questions and news regarding regenerative agriculture. Moreover, it is a platform to share upcoming events, such as mini symposia and field visits. Lately, a lot of the posts are about the upcoming Dutch government and the directions and visions for the rural area. This Whatsapp group existed before the start of the HuMUS project. The stakeholders of the focus group and the upcoming events of HuMUS are all active in this Whatsapp group, and all decided that this platform is a perfect medium to communicate with the region about soil health for the HuMUS project and to reach its goals.