On Thursday, 18 April 2024, the formal eligibility assessment of the proposals received under the HuMUS project’s Call for proposals was concluded.
Each of the 76 applications submitted has been examined to verify the fulfillment of the requirements set out in the Open Call.
The 65 main applicants who successfully passed the eligibility assessment are the following:
IARTC – International Agricultural Research and Training Center | Refarm4Adapt: Regenerative Farming Practices for Tailoring Farmer Adaptation in Menemen Plain, Türkiye | Turkey |
University of Almería | Building Resilience: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Soil Conservation in Abla, SE Spain | Spain |
Municipality of Podenzano | ECO-PODHSOIL – ECOsystem skills for PODenzano Healthy SOILs | Italy |
University of Extremadura | EcoJerte-HUMUS | Spain |
University of Valencia | Real Green Urban Spaces – Testing a participatory evidence-based approach to mitigate the pollution of the urban green spaces soils. | Spain |
Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón | AgriSosTe: Sustainable management of agricultural soils in Teruel | Spain |
Monachil City Council | CYCLE: giving to soil what we took from it | Spain |
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P. (INIAV) – Polo de Inovação de Dois Portos / Estação Vitivinícola Nacional | Healthy Soils @Torres Vedras (Acronym: Soil@TV) | Portugal |
Ayuntamiento de Alzira | Experimental farms and identification of barriers for the adoption of innovations in soil heath in the Valencia Region | Spain |
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA) | A soil deal for Rome: setting a city Soil Hub towards the definition of a new living lab for the metropolitan area (Rome Soil Hub) | Italy |
Municipality of Allerona | Soil reGeneration (Acronym: Soil reGen) | Italy |
CEA Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Vitoria-Gasteiz | Restoring soil health through regenerative food systems | Spain |
University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences (PPF) | Assessment of the risk of diffuse pollution of agricultural land in the area of the Živinice Municipality | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Metropole Europeenne De Lille | REVALS – (RE)veal and (V)alorise (L)ife of (S)oils | France |
Institute of BioEconomy, National Research Council, (CNR-IBE) | SCOOP. Soil COnnecting peOPle | Italy |
Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillya the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine | Enhancing the ability to monitor soil health of agricultural land leased by its owners for intense agricultural | Ukraine |
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences | Soil Health HuMUS Kurikka | Finland |
BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences | City-Zen Humus | Austria |
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland | Healthy soil – Healthy Soil Chemistry (SOSoil) | Poland |
Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia (IFVC) | SYNTROPY – Nurturing Serbia’s agricultural resources organicallY for its traNsformaTion towaRds a grOundwork Pro sustainabilitY | Serbia |
Municipality of Verona | Bufo: Bio-Monitoring urban forestry, Assessing Soil Invertebrates as Indicators for Effective Intervention | Italy |
Municipality of Salvaleón | Local platform for the governance of commonland soils | Spain |
The National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N.Sokolovsky” (NSC ISSAR) | Prevention and minimization of soil threats within Valky community in Kharkiv region of Ukraine | Ukraine |
City of Sinj | VITAL-ECO: Revitalizing Soil, Preserving Ecosystems | Croatia |
Mancomunidad Desfiladero Y Bureba | SaECO_Salud Ecosistémica | Spain |
Municipality of Grezzana | Circolar4Umus | Italy |
Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova | Bionova | Portugal |
Municipality of Padua | SAUR – Suoli Agricoli Urbani Rigenerati | Italy |
Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto | VHS – Vineyard Healthy Soil | Portugal |
Mancomunidad La Canal de Navarrés | Deciding together: promoting soil health through participatory processes for La Canal de Navarrés | Spain |
Municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz | Quipar Valley Restoration Project | Spain |
Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt GmbH) | Soil Health Talks | Austria |
National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest | CresConSMin – Increasing stakeholders’ awareness of soil contamination because of mining waste storage | Romania |
Fondazione Edmund Mach | Roots of Resilience: Strengthening Community for Soil Health of Alpine Meadows | Italy |
Krizevci University of Applied Sciences | Designing healthy soil future by cross sectoral dialog | Croatia |
Municipality of Generalski Stol | E.A.R.T.H. Enrich Agriculture Rediscover Traditional Heritage | Croatia |
IPSANTAREM – Politécnico de Santanarém | Dialogues and solutions to healthy soils. A case in Portugal | Portugal |
Municipality of Arroyo de la Luz | Healthy Dialogues: Facilitating Citizen Engagement for Sustainable Management of Dehesa de la Luz | Spain |
Občina Prevalje (Municipality of Prevalje) | Potential for the remediation and reclamation of soil contaminated with toxic metals in the municipality of Prevalje for safe productive use | Slovenia |
ISPRA – Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research | Gorgona Smart Island | Italy |
Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) of Montilla-Moriles | SOSALBARIZA: Sustainability of the albarizas in Montilla Moriles: Promotion and Awareness Initiative | Spain |
Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino | Healthy Soil in Sesto | Italy |
PXL University College | BûjemBoost: Enhancing Soil Governance in Hasselt’s Urban Environment | Belgium |
Wollo University | Assessment of Soil Contamination in Small-Scale Irrigated Vegetable Production Areas: A Case of Kombolcha Industrial Zone, Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
Vestfold Fylkeskommune | Structures for improved soil health in Vestfold County | Norway |
Municipality of San Giovanni La Punta | Citiziens for Soil | Italy |
University Rey Juan Carlos | RuralReg | Spain |
Association du Pays Compiégnois | Sunflower (TourneSOL) | France |
INCDCP ICECHIM Filiala Calarasi | Secondary Resources for Healthy Soils | Romania |
Municipality of Siena | CiPaS – Con i Piedi al Suolo (With Our Feet On The Ground) | Italy |
Centro De Investigaciones Científicas Y Tecnológicas De Extremadura (CICYTEX) | Strengthening Agricultural Resilience in the Jerte Valley: Integration of Soil Health, Nutrients and Water through Local Participation (SARVJ) | Spain |
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa | Urban Soil Regeneration using participatory methods | Portugal |
Municipality of / Marktgemeinde Kaindorf | Soil health dialogue in eastern Styria | Austria |
University of Molise | MEN-CARB. Involving organic farming to implement appropriate agricultural practices for carbon credit market | Italy |
Chamber of agriculture and forestry of Slovenia Institute of agriculture and forestry of Ptuj | HUMUS.si | Slovenia |
University of Torino – Agroinnova | SHAPE: Soil Health Assessment and Participatory Engagement | Italy |
Gezer Regional Council | Gezer Agricultural-soil regeneration | Israel |
Municipality of Lakitelek | LakiTERRA | Hungary |
Municipality of Pollica | Medi-Terra | Italy |
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | Roots of Revival | Czech Republic |
Slovak University of Agriculture / Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering (FZKI) | Rooted Resilience: Integrating Small Fruits for Soil Health and Climate Action | Slovakia |
Greek Agricultural Organisation, ELGO DEMETER; ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΚΟΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ – ΕΛ.Γ.Ο. | Re-think community compost network (RCCN) | Greece |
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Interdisciplinary Ecological Centre, Jun.Prof. Flow and Transport Modelling | SoilPulseX – Living soils for water storage, resilience and erosion mitigation | Germany |
Municipality of Nerva | Regeneration of contaminated soil | Spain |
Weingut der Stadt Stuttgart – Winery of the city of Stuttgart | Protecting & ecologically upgrading soils for food production in Stuttgart | Germany |
Further information on the list of eligible and non-eligible applicants can be found here.
The Evaluation Committee has already started the evaluation process, the results of which will be announced by mid-May on HuMUS social media and website.