About HuMUS

About HuMUS

As part of the EU Mission Soil, the Healthy Municipal Soils (HuMUS) project engages and activates municipalities and regions to protect and restore soil health. Municipalities are at the forefront of local soil management, regulation, innovation, and community-building and thus are pivotal to deploying the Soil Mission on the ground. In addition to raising awareness about the importance of healthy soils – the basis of all human economies – the project empowers communities to create suitable local solutions for themselves.

Using a trans-disciplinary approach and a multi-stakeholder methodology for planning and coordinating local production and consumption, HuMUS stimulates social innovation. The participatory approach involves diverse stakeholders: citizens, farmers, landowners and land managers, consumers, civil society organizations, research institutions, businesses, and public authorities at the regional and national levels. The focus of the project is holistic soil health, looking beyond only agricultural soil to all types of soil and land use.

A handful of soil

About the EU Soil Mission

The Soil Mission aims to lead the transition to healthy soils via sustainable soil management. For this, the European Union fosters knowledge exchanges, dialogue, and awareness raising on the value of soil health and its challenges and solutions across Europe. The inclusion of marginalized or vulnerable communities contributes to a shared understanding of the challenges and help co-create solutions to protect and restore soil. HuMUS is the only project implementing the EU Soil Mission that is targeting public administration at local and regional levels.

Through the project, a consortium of diverse organizations across Europe will contribute to the EU Soil Mission by:

  • Creating spaces for social dialogue and collaboration opportunities on soil health
  • Promoting a shared understanding of soil challenges and discussing the latest scientific developments
  • Enhancing knowledge sharing among municipalities and regions.

Project objectives

  • Improve soil literacy in society
  • Facilitate the deployment of the Soil Mission at regional and local levels
  • Build capacities and knowledge base for soil stewardship
  • Co-create and upscale place-based innovations to improve soil health in all places
  • Engage with the land users and society at large

Planned activities

  • Support the involvement of stakeholders and citizens in decision-making processes via case studies, educational and capacity building activities, and exchanges of best practices at regional and local levels
  • Raise awareness about soil health of regional and local governments, businesses, and society the Biological districts multi-stakeholder methodology
  • Encourage social innovation and the implementation of trans-disciplinary methods and tools
  • Empower regions and municipalities to reflect, deliberate, and propose appropriate and realistic solutions together with citizens and stakeholders through a participatory approach.


For HuMUS, participation means that the stakeholders and citizens take part in decision-making processes and their final products. Information and communication by themselves are not participation. 

Throughout the project, different levels of participation will be open. 

  • In December 2023, HuMUS will publish a catalogue of best practices in citizen and stakeholder engagement on soil health at the municipal and regional levels, including the implementation of participatory methods, tools, and approaches for the engagement of Quadruple Helix stakeholders in action research on soil use and land management.
  • In the selected regional and territorial case studies, HuMUS is using a participatory analytical methodology and developing different participatory activities that you can follow.

Meet the consortium

Click on a partner’s logo to know more about it.

logo Junta de Andalucia

Agencia de Gestion Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucia (AGAPA)

Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía, AGAPA, (Agency for the management of agriculture and fisheries of Andalusia) is a public agency that falls under the regional Government of Andalusia (Spain). It bases its activity on the development of policies related to the agricultural, livestock, fishing, and rural development sectors. AGAPA has a wide presence in the Andalusian territory, with 92 offices distributed throughout the region and about 2.500 specialized workers (60% higher or medium technicians).

AGAPA’s most important lines of activity:
– Support to the management and control of aids
– Inspection, surveillance and control
– Laboratories
– Farms management
– Services to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors
– Irrigation systems and rural and fishing infrastructures
– Training on the agricultural and fishing fields
– Analysis, prospective studies and technology transfer
– Information systems and technologies
– Management support
– Agrifood quality and promotion
– Territorial development, international relationships and cooperation.

All this enables to boost the consolidation of the food industry and new emerging areas, as well as the modernization of the strategies developed by the agri-food production sector. This is coordinated together with the regional ministry of agriculture, fishing, water and rural development of Andalusia, as well as with the Andalusian Institute for agriculture and fisheries research and training (IFAPA).

AGAPA has also a Department for Organic Production that works in the organic production sector since 2005, both in agriculture, livestock and industry, as well as in the marketing and promotion of organic products. Specifically, it has two action lines: consultancy and promotion.

AGAPA already has more than 20 years of experience in the international scope and intends to continue participating in international activities and projects addressing innovation, the efficiency in the use of resources and conservation of the environment, developing activities that generate impact and market orientation. International programs AGAPA has recently participated in:
– Program for Research and Innovation of the UE (Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and 3rd Health Program). Projects: JATC, VIRTIGATION, AF4EU and HuMUS.
– Opportunities offered by other European Union Funds (EAFRD or EMFAF): Smartfood Lifewatch Project.
– FAO: GIAHS Malaga Raisin Production System recognition as GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems)
AGAPA leads WP2 aimed at establishing constructive dialogues among pulic autority representatives, citizens, businesses, associations and other Quadruple Helix stakeholders in 13 european regions to understad the problems of their soils and finds soultions together. The 13 regions are located in Spain (3 piltot cases), the Netherlands (1), Italy (3), Germany (2), France (1), Slovenia (1), North Macedonia (1), and Bulgaria (1) and include different soil types, not only agricultural ones. These 13 exemplary cases represent good practices of participatory soil health management that have been established for several years and have the potential for replication in other situations or contexts. All these cases could become in the future Living Labs or Lighthouses under the Soil Mission . AGAPA is also responsible for developing a “Catalogue of best practices and public policies to improve soil health” based on previous work of HuMUS regarding a methodological framework for soil health assessment at the regional level, the analysis of regional-specific policies on soil health, an overview of best practices on managing soil health at the municipal and regional level, a review of S4 strategies, and local evidence on living labs and lighthouses.

logo Agroecology Europe

Agroecology Europe (AEEU)

Agroecology Europe aims to analyse, design, develop, and promote the transition towards agroecology-based farming and food systems. The overall goal of the Association is to: support agroecological research, education and training; share and disseminate agroecological knowledge; promote agroecology in the farming and food sectors and in society. The Association aims creatie an inclusive European community of professionals, practitioners, and citizens engaged in agroecology.

Participation in the HuMUS project directly works towards the Association’s mission to place agroecology high on the European agenda and foster interactions and knowledge sharing between stakeholders in science, programming, and social movements.

Leading communication and dissemination activities (WP5) of HuMUS and capitalizing on existing European networks to build synergies, Agroecology Europe contributes to the EU Soil Mission by:
– Creating spaces for social dialogue and collaboration opportunities on soil health
– Promoting a shared understanding of soil challenges and discussing the latest scientific developments
– Enhancing knowledge sharing among municipalities and regions.

logo ANCI Toscana

ANCI Toscana Associazione (ANCI)

The Association of Municipalities of Tuscany, ANCI Toscana, is a non-profit association established to represent and support the system of local and regional Tuscan autonomies founded on the principles of freedom, democracy, and citizen participation. It constitutes the regional branch of the National Association of Italian Municipalities; its main mission is the promotion and strengthening of institutional, regulatory, financial and organizational autonomy of municipalities and other Tuscan autonomies derived by the municipalities. ANCI Toscana also supports the Region and the Municipalities in the development of new local government models via the promotion of innovative and participative methodologies in order to stimulate the implementation of sustainable solutions at local level.
As the coordinator of the HuMUS project, ANCI Toscana aims to contribute to the implementation of the Soil Mission, involving and activating Municipalities and Regions to protect and restore soil health through sustainable management and promoting the project activities carried out in the territories within the most innovative European networks. ANCI will actively contribute to the experimentation of participatory approaches on soil health, creating opportunities for dialogue, training, and exchange of experiences in Tuscany and Europe. The association will also launch and manage an EU Open Call for financingof at least 20 local projects enabling institutions, research centres, citizens, and stakeholders to promote wider co-assessment and transitioning exercises on local soil challenges.

logo CTAEX

Centro Tecnologico Nacional Agroalimentario Extremadura (CTAEX)

CTAEX is a non-profit business association with the goal of offering research, development, innovation, analysis, training, and information services, contributing to the competitive development of the companies in the agri-food sector and to consumers’ safety. The National Agri-Food Technological Centre Extremadura (Centro Tecnológico Nacional Agroalimentario “Extremadura” (CTAEX)) works in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula as a technological reference, committed to advising projects and strengthening competitiveness of the agri-food sector through innovation, technological development, training, and service provision to agricultural and agri-food companies. The main purpose of the Association is to satisfy demands and development needs of sustainable methods of production, preservation, and processing of agri-food products, focusing on integral rural development, in a quest of competitiveness and efficiency in productions.

Main activities:
1. Basic research in the fields of agriculture, food preservation and processing sectors, and environmental conservation.
2. Research applied to enhancing production processes, new processed food, new techniques, characteristics and qualities standardisation, new test methods, product revaluation, productivity, environmental conservation, integral agriculture, sustainable development, etc.
3. Technology services provision, such as quality, production organisation, training, information, documentation, dissemination, laws, design, and environment.
4. Transferring research findings.
5. Encouraging shared research among companies and elevating their technologies, competitiveness, and environmental conservation practices.
6. Fostering continuous training and specialisation for the technical staff of companies in agri-food and environment sectors.

logo Chambre Régionale d'Agriculture des Pays de la Loire

Chambre Regionale d’Agriculture des Pays de la Loire (CAPDL)

The Chamber of Agriculture of Pays de la Loire region (CAPDL) is a public institution representing farmers and the rural world. The French Chambers of Agriculture were founded in 1924 and their national umbrella organization, the Permanent Assembly of Chambers of Agriculture (APCA), was founded in 1935. We are self-governing public bodies managed by elected representatives from the agriculture and forestry sectors.

Three key roles:
1. Representing farmers and foresters to local and national authorities
2. Offering services to farmers, foresters, and other rural stakeholders
3. Involving all agricultural sectors into R&D projects: plant and animal production; agricultural economics; farm management and strategy; local food products (production, processing, and marketing); rural development and local planning; environment and management of natural resources; agricultural and rural policies

Main activities on the field:
– Creating and establishing new businesses, business consulting and development
– Implementing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
– Training farmers and advisors
– Supporting innovative farming practices through farmer groups, individual and collective support, and experimental farms
– Involvement in regional, national, and international R&D projects with a key attention to bringing back technological and management innovation to farmers

In numerous European projects, in collaboration with technical institutes and research partners, we foster innovation through farmers groups, demonstration, and pilot testing and we maintain pilot farms networks in order to consolidate references and strengthen further technical advice.
– Interreg: Food Heroes, Carbon-Connect, FABulous Farmers, ICaRE4FARMS, BUFFER+
– Horizon Europe: HuMUS, Climate Farm Demo, Climate Smart Advisors
– H2020: RUSTICA, CO-FRESH, DiverImpact, Liverur, SmartAgriHubs
– LIFE : BeefCarbon

logo Ernährungsrat Stadt Region Stuttgart

Ernährungsrat Stadtregion Stuttgart EV (ERSTR)

The association is committed to organising a platform for regionally and ecologically produced food and fair conditions for producers, trade, and consumers in Stuttgart and the surrounding area, as is the case in other metropolises. Therefore, in the next few years we are developing a guideline to activate the transformation to a regional and ecological food system together with all the people acting in such a system.
An important goal of ERSTR is to protect soils and land in the conurbation in order to secure local food production and to increase the ecological value of land and soils. We are committed to this with various projects.


Fundacion FUNDECYT-Parque Cientifico y Tecnologico de Extremadura (F-PCTEX)

The Foundation FUNDECYT Scientific and Technological Park of Extremadura (Fundecyt-PCTEx) is a body governed by public law based in Extremadura (Spain) with the aim of contributing to the social and economic exploitation of science and technology in the region, supporting and promoting scientific and technological development and a better use of research and innovation outcomes.
As the Scientific and Technological Park of Extremadura, we offer the spaces and the necessary services to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, science and technology in the region. FUNDECYT-PCTEX hosts more than 100 innovative companies in its facilities and, in addition to the assistance provided to tenants, supports regional entrepreneurs and SMEs for the development and consolidation of business ideas.
Moreover, playing the role of a Development and Innovation Agency, we provide technical assistance to the Regional Government for the design and implementation of policies, such as the Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) or the Digital Agenda of Extremadura, and work in close relation with enterprises, the University of Extremadura, R&D centres, and other regional stakeholders to foster innovation.
As a result of this experience FUNDECYT-PCTEX has a wide international network of partners and a large expertise in the management, leadership and coordination of projects.

logo Landswirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen (LWK NRW)

Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen (LWK NRW)

The Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine-Westphalia (LWK NRW) is a German public corporation. Its task is to promote and support agriculture and its professionals and to strengthen rural areas. One important topic of this work is counselling agricultural and horticultural enterprises. Contact with farmers generates ideas for practical research. The Chamber of Agriculture actively participates in national and European research programmes and networks (e.g. EIP) and strives to strengthen these collaborations to develop and promote innovations and facilitate their implementation.

LWK NRW participates in HuMUS in several tasks of Work Package 1 (Soil Intelligence) and
especially by leading the creation of the catalogue “Overview of best practices in sustainable soil management and soil health promotion”. LWK NRW also helps build Regional Soil Health Communities by taking responsibility for the region of Northrhine-Westphalia. From 2024 onwards, it will elaborate and set up a region-specific case study in Northrhine-Westphalia.

Mission Statement:
“With the HuMUS project, we recognise that maintaining soil health is a multi-stakeholder challenge that needs to be addressed by many different stakeholders working together. We are very excited about the collaborative approach of the project and look forward to bringing the right people together!”

logo UNIBZ

Libera Universita di Bolzano (UNIBZ)

The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is located in one of the most fascinating European regions, at the crossroads between the German-speaking and Italian economies and cultures. Its trilingualism in teaching and research, its high level of internationalisation as well as an ideal study environment guaranteed by its excellent facilities are some of the reasons why UNIBZ regularly reaches top positions in national and international rankings. The Competence Centre for Plant Health is a research-based centre of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. The Centre’s research is organised among three research areas: abiotic factors, biotic factors, and technology and management. The focus of the competence centre lies in the research of abiotic and biotic stress factors in order to understand their role on the health of plants, to research changes and to predict future challenges, and to develop innovative solutions and recommend them in practice.

The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is the leader of WP1. The main objective of WP1 is to develop a method of soil health assessment with a multi-actor approach involving farmers, citizens and local and regional authorities, which can be applied within the living labs and lighthouses. Secondly, a farmer friendly, quick and easy monitoring toolkit will be developed for the on-farm assessment and discussion of soil health with famers. Thirdly, an integral framework will be used as a method tool for municipalities and regions and their stakeholders to overcome knowledge gaps and increase the general understanding of basic processes, drivers and mechanisms affecting soil properties. Furthermore, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is in charge of putting in place a an external advisory board to provide strategic guidance and recommendations on the general work plan implementation and monitor project activities from an outside perspective. The advisory board will consist of European organizations active in the domain of soil science and other adjacent sectors such as forestry, agriculture and food systems, the project coordinator of HuMUS, as well as UNIBZ who will act as the official advisory board chair.

logo SWG RRD

Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in SEE (SWG RRD)

The Standing Working Group for Regional Rural Development (SWG) in South East Europe is an intergovernmental organization operating at the national and regional levels responsible for initiating and preparing regional development projects in South Eastern Europe. It acts as an independent regional agency for promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development in the SEE region. The SWG facilitates process of strengthening regional institutions necessary to support long-term agricultural and rural development policies. We support our Member Governments, academic institutions, associations, and organizations in reinforcing capacity-building and networking in SEE. We work together in order to increase the understanding and awareness about available information and tools, and identify the gaps and discrepancies within the context of regional alliance.
SWG’s role in the HuMuS project is to replicate best practices in soil management into the Western Balkan Countries. Through its stakeholders (Ministries of agriculture of Western Balkan countries and territories) SWG places soil management high on the policy agenda by promoting best practices and working on sustainable soil management. One of the means for promotion is the recently established Western Balkans Subregional Soil Partnership managed by the SWG.

logo Regionalna Raxvojna Agencija za Podravje-Maribor (BRA)

Regionalna Raxvojna Agencija za Podravje – Maribor (BRA)

The Regional Development Agency for Podravje-Maribor (RDA Podravje-Maribor) is the most important link for the development of municipalities in the Podravje region. Due to its very important function, it must represent the best service to the municipalities in the field of regional development, project support, extraction of European funds, integration, attracting investors, tourism development, smart specialization, and support for the entrepreneurial environment.
The role of the RDA Podravje-Maribor in the HuMUS project is to raise the awareness among regional and local authorities, businesses and general population on good practices in soil improvement. The project will bring together local authorities, owners of problematic land, farmers and general public to contribute to a better exchange of knowledge at European level through workshops and other activities.

logo RAM CSP

Regionalno Sdruzhenie Na Obstini Tsentralna Stara Planina (RAM)

RAM Central Stara Planina is a 25-year-old organization uniting municipalities from 4 NUTS 3 in Bulgaria: Gabrovo, Lovech, Veliko Tarnovo and Targoviste. Since 1997, it supports local authorities, advocates for their interests, and promotes good governance. RAM has considerable experience in planning and implementing more than 40 collaborative projects funded by national and EU programmes, international donors, and funds. These projects discussed different topics, found solutions, and exchanged good practices in the field of environmental protection, migration, town-twinning, EU integration, economic development, volunteering, creative industries, crafts, design-enabled innovations, and citizen involvement in decision-making processes. RAM keeps its communication channels alive with regular updates, while the audience is constantly expanding.

Stichting Louis Bolk Instituut (LBI) Netherlands

Stichting Louis Bolk Instituut (LBI)

The Louis Bolk Institute is a research institute with socially engaged researchers and consultants. Together with policymakers and other stakeholders, it conducts research on sustainable agriculture, nutrition, and health. In this research, nature serves as a source of inspiration, as do pioneering farmers, health care professionals, and the food industry.
The Louis Bolk Institute is a medium-sized organisation, founded in 1976 and located in Bunnik, the Netherlands. The institute consists of about 45 researchers, divided over several programmes. It fulfils a pioneering role by applying an integrated approach in contributing to health and vitality, a resilient food system, a sustainable physical environment, and sustainable agriculture. The foundation’s objective is to promote knowledge development for organic and sustainable agriculture, nature, nutrition, and health care, in a holistic way that does justice to the integrity of life.

logo Universidad de Cordoba

Universidad de Cordoba (UCO)

The University of Córdoba (UCO) is an academic institution located in the city of Córdoba, Spain. It offers a wide range of educational programs, known for its academic excellence and commitment to research and innovation in the field of agri-food, with a particular emphasis on its Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, founded in 1847.
UCO is distinguished by its collaboration with other national and international institutions, as well as its involvement in research projects and student exchange programs. The working group participating in the HuMUS project is part of Cátedra de Producción Ecológica Ecovalia-Clemente Mata (group specialized in organic farming), which has been involved in several international projects, including Interreg Prodehesa-Montado (Cross-Border Cooperation Project For The Integral Assessment of Dehesa-Montado), OK-Net EcoFeed (Organic Knowledge Network on Monogastric Animal Feed), and LIFE LiveAdapt (Adaptation to Climate Change of Extensive Livestock Production Models in Europe), led by UCO. Currently, it is also participating in the LIFE Scrubsnet project (Regeneration and improvement of dehesas through the appropriate management of scrubland/shrub areas) and the mEATquality project (linking extensive husbandry practices to the intrinsic quality of pork and broiler meat).
Within the HuMUS project, UCO focuses its participation on WP2 and WP1, both led by AGAPA.

logo Universidad de Granada

Universidad de Granada (UGR)

The University of Granada was founded in 1531, built on a long-standing teaching tradition, the roots of which can be traced back to the madrasahs of the Nasrid dynasty of Granada.
With over 55,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and 6,000 staff members, the UGR is the highest-ranked university in the South of Spain and the 4th highest-ranked in Spain, according to the prestigious Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU 2019). UGR is committed to sustainability research and social innovation, including a deep engagement with civil society in Granada and at the international level.
According to this, the Territorial Research and Action Laboratory (Laboratorio de Investigación y Acción Territorial) is a leading centre on partipation and sustainable action, working on the conflicts related to energy colonialism, and on local self-sustainability including the importance of periurban areas and local food systems. The methodological approach of the Laboratory is based on decolonial, bioregional, and agroecological perspectives always considering the importance of participation for the transition processes in Europe and Latinamerica.
In the HuMUS project, UGR is leading a deliverable on best practices in citizen and stakeholder engagement on the implementation of soil health at municipal and regional levels, including the implementation of participatory methods, tools, and approaches to engage Quadruple Helix stakeholders in action research on soil use and land management. UGR is also leader of the workplan template for multi-actor dialogues and preparatory activities that will be the base for the development of the Territorial Management Agreements in the selected case studies.

logo UNISG

Universita degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche (UNISG)

The University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG) is an international research and education center focused on the relationship between food, ecology, and sustainability. The University of Gastronomic Sciences, founded in 2004 by the international non-profit association Slow Food in cooperation with the Italian regions of Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna, is a ministerially recognized, private non-profit institution. UNISG students, hailing from around the world, gain dynamic experiences in artisanal and industrial food production, thanks to complementary education in both sciences and humanities and hands-on learning during study trips across five continents. The university forms gastronomes, new professional figures with transdisciplinary skills and knowledge working to apply them to production, distribution, and sustainable consumption. The research activity of the University of Gastronomic Sciences aims at increasing knowledge and promoting innovation in the field of gastronomic studies based on three interdisciplinary areas: Environment, Perception and Quality, and Mobility.
The Agroecology group focuses on research related to agroecology at different scales: genetic diversity and participatory plant breeding (PPB&EPB), cover crops, crop rotation, production of alternative feed for poultry, good teaching practices in experiential learning, effective education in embedded food systems, dynamic value chains for underutilised crops, implementation of the EU Soil Mission, agroecology Living Labs and Exchange Knowledge Hub, among others.
“I use the term agroecology in a holistic and complete way: from deep ecology to food sovereignty, involving practices, movements, sciences and education. Within Agroecology Europe we have worked for a common understanding of the term and clarifying controversial issues. My education activity in agroecology is based on the actor-oriented approach. Therefore, there is no big distinction between research and learning because both are ways to learn, know, and explore the complexity of reality in agroecology. Research projects we carry out in my group include a variety of topics (from germplasm to socio-political dimension of Living Labs) and approaches (from field experiment to cases).”
Dr. Paola Migliorini, Professor of UNISG, Pollenzo, Italy
In HuMUS, among other activities, UNISG is responsible for task 1.2: reviewing regional policies on soil health.

logo Universitaet Hohenheim

Universitaet Hohenheim (UHOH)

Founded in 1818, the University of Hohenheim is the top-ranked German university for agricultural research and food sciences. Being a specialised research university with the departments agricultural sciences, natural sciences, and business, economics, and social sciences, the University of Hohenheim is not only engaged in foundational research but also in developing innovative solutions for urgent social matters. To this end, the leading research topics of the university – bioeconomy, global food security and ecosystems, health sciences and digital transformation – optimally complement each other to find holistic solutions for the major challenges of our time: climate protection, food security, resource conservation, replacing fossil fuels, and sustainable management of natural resources. Strong local and international networks and partners complement the research activities of the university.

logo Vegepolys Valley

Vegepolys Valley (VEG)

VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is a French competitiveness cluster that brings together stakeholders of the plant ecosystem to strengthen their competitiveness. From its Angers headquarters and thanks to its presence on 6 other sites (in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Brittany, Centre-Val-de-Loire, and Pays de la Loire), the cluster mobilizes 40 FTE employees for more than 600 members: companies, research and training centres, professional unions, development organisations, and consular chambers.

It covers the entire plant value chain from genetics to use: Plant breeding, Plant and soil health, Farming equipment, Digital & AgTech, Seeds and young plants, Aromatic and medicinal plants, Crops (cereals), Vegetables and fruits, Ornamental plants, Cider and wine production, Feed and food, Nutrition, prevention, health, well-being and cosmetics, Agri-supply, Urban farming. VEGEPOLYS VALLEY mobilises its members around 7 innovation axes and offers services related to innovation, business growth, internationalisation, networking and communication.

VEGEPOLYS VALLEY is involved in several EU projects:
– Track, a Horizon 2020 project on agrifood digital transition
– AgroBRIDGES, a Horizon 2020 project on short food supply chains
– RuralBioUp, a Horizon Europe project on small-scale bio-based solutions
– SUAVE, a COSME project on urban farming
– Path2DEA, a Horizon Europe project on digitalisation in agroecology
– And HuMUS.

In HuMUS project, VEGEPOLYS VALLEY will participate in the following actions:
– WP2: in collaboration with CAPDL, solicit local actors, elevate expertise and methods, organize regional workshops, and analyse areas of replication
– WP3: develop a community at regional and European scale
– WP4: participat in the writing of the Open Call and support the French winners
– WP5 & WP6: participate in project communication and management

Advisory Board

HuMUS set up an external Advisory Board of thought leaders acting on behalf of soil mission stakeholders. The Advisory Board further supports knowledge sharing, exchange of best practices, experiences, and success stories, and matching existing knowledge with the real needs of European regions.

Meet the advisory board—introductory presentations are linked!

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